Welbury News 24-6-24


This is a reminder that the next Welbury Coffee Morning will be held this Thursday (27th June) from 11.00-12.00 in the Village Hall, everyone is welcome for a tea/coffee, and a chat with some homemade scones/cake.

Also, the next Crafty Coffee session will be this Friday (28th June) from 11.00-12.30. You are very welcome to come along just for the coffee and chat if you don’t fancy the crafty element. The group is currently knitting squares to make into blankets for hospital patients but you can also come along with any type of crafty activity. This group meets on the 2nd and 3rd Fridays of each month, although there will be no meeting on Friday 12th July.

Best wishes,



HI Ken

I have a few sheets of paper for printing photographs – size A4 . I shan’t use it, and would be happy to give it someone who will.

Would you be kind enough to forward this email to your news circulation, to find a user?

If anyone would like the paper, I’ll give it to the first person who gets back to me. (helenofwiske)

Thank you

Helen Johnson